Making Friends at ARU

Netflix, Prime, Disney +, ordering food online, Online gaming, hybrid working, decline in pubs… the list goes on. You’re probably thinking why I have just listed those things; well experts believe we are in a friend recession and these are just several factors potentially contributing to this. What happened to the days of playing curby with your neighbour or run outs with all your friends on the street, or even just saying “Do you want to be my friend”?  It was easy making friends’ way back when, not having a care in the world. But today, making friends can be challenging, especially for men. 

According to the Guardian, men seem to have been convinced that success in life does not necessarily include friendship. Being successful at work or having started a family seems to be the WIN! But did you know;

  • One in five single men say they have no close friendships (AEI’s Survey Centre on American Life)
  • The percentage of Men with at least 6 close friends fell by half between 1990 and 2021 (AEI’s Survey Centre on American Life).
  • In the UK, a 2018 study by Movember Foundation suggested things are even worse: one in three men asked could not name a single close friend.

We have to ask ourselves why men are having so much trouble maintaining or making friendships?

Studies have found that men are less likely than women to share their personal feelings with and receive emotional support from friends. They are also less likely to express love to their friends, as a result men tend to lose friendships over time or find it difficult to build new ones. As you can imagine, this does have an adverse effect on men, both mentally and physically.

From a personal point of view, I find it challenging to juggle friendships, work and general life. But I do make a conscious effort to check in with friends when I can or to arrange a meet up. Building a deeper relationship for me and probably for a lot of other men start with a very conventional approach (having a drink, love of sport, work environment) but it does take ‘The Brave One’ to open up and maybe one more to agree or to feel the same to ultimately get the ball rolling on a friendship.

Of course, all these affect women too. But due to the unfortunate lack of social initiative and skill from men, they are more likely not to maintain or build friendships. It all sounds depressing, but there are lots of practical elements men can do to change this narrative.

Naturally you will build friendships in your workplace, and this is a great way to start. We shouldn’t be afraid to branch out and build friendships within the workplace and outside work. Here at ARU Temps, you are able to gain valuable work experience, whilst making great friendships. We have student ambassadors from all types of courses and some even from your course, so why not register with us and get to know your peers and colleagues! As a recruitment service we are here to build you up and watch you blossom into for example a great ambassador, an individual and a professional. We hope to help you create a sense of belonging at ARU and encourage extra curricular activities that will broaden your networks and experiences. 

Why not...

Kahmarl Mason 
ARU Temps Recruitment Adviser

Reference: The Guardian, Making new friends